Create your first Obsidian file

Create a file

There are a few ways to add a new file to Obsidian. The simplest is the use of the files core plugin “new note” button.

Create a new file

To add the file in a specific folder, bring up the folder ‘context menu’ by right clicking on the folder. The select “new note”

New file in folder

If you know the name of the file you want to create, you can use the quick switcher. Once opened, you can type the name of the file and push enter. You may need to use shift + enter if there is a file with a similar name.

Quick switcher new file

Other buttons and customization options are available through community plugins. I combine “quick add” and “commander” for creating ‘templated’ files.


Create a folder

The simplest way to create a folder is by using the files core plugin “new folder” button.

New folder

Location of new files

If you don’t specify a folder location, your default location will be selected. This can be changed in the settings.

Default file location

When using the quick switcher you can add the ‘path’. That is the list of folders Obsidian needs to look through to find your file, from the vault.

Quick switcher folder file

When entering the path of a file, be sure to keep all spaces, capitals, and symbols the same. If the folder name is different, a new folder will be created. Obsidian will look for an EXACT match.

Create a file with links

The path can also be used when creating outgoing links in a file.

Creating a new folder

Use a / symbol to separate folder levels.
Eg: New folder/New file

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Yes. That space background is my wallpaper. My first selfie turned out pretty good if I do say so myself.

I’ve been researching how we learn since I was 17, and now at 27 I’ve coached, taught and advised more activities than I thought existed.

Over the last 3 years, I’ve helped thousands learn technical software.

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