Enable core plugins

'Enable' core plugins

‘Enable’ or turning on plugins is simple. You push on the toggle.

To ‘disable’ a plugin you push off the toggle.

Each core plugin can be found in the settings.

Some plugins have settings you can adjust. They can be found in the settings sidebar.

Core plugin search

Adding community plugins

Community plugins are a little different. 

These are made by community members.

checked by the Obsidian team. then added to the official community plugin list.

Installing a community plugin copies the files needed into a folder on your device. That is what the restricted mode warning is for.

Once you accept the risk you can browse the community plugin list.

You can then select a plugin to find out more about it. If you are happy, push the install button.

Now all you need to do is turn it on. Some plugins have settings you can adjust. They can be found in the settings sidebar.

Adding community plugins

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Yes. That space background is my wallpaper. My first selfie turned out pretty good if I do say so myself.

I’ve been researching how we learn since I was 17, and now at 27 I’ve coached, taught and advised more activities than I thought existed.

Over the last 3 years, I’ve helped thousands learn technical software.

Now I’m all-in on sharing insights into educational science.