How to search

Quickly find a file

The easiest way to find a file is to use the quick switcher. It lets you quickly switch between files.

Open up the quick switcher search window and type the file name.

Open quick switcher

Every action can be given a hotkey.

The quick switcher has one too!

Looking for words

Search can look complicated. That is because it can do A LOT.

Simply put, the search core plugin can look for anything in your vault.

Trying to find a word. Use the search bar.

Word search

Looking for a path, file, tag, line, or section. The search bar can find it.

Search options

Searching through links

Once you have created a linked file it can be searched through.

Use the backlinks panel.

Think of it like this.

I am moving house, and want to search the road that leads directly to me. The surrounding roads are not important for this search.

That helped me to start with.

Searching the backlinks

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About me...

Yes. That space background is my wallpaper. My first selfie turned out pretty good if I do say so myself.

I’ve been researching how we learn since I was 17, and now at 27 I’ve coached, taught and advised more activities than I thought existed.

Over the last 3 years, I’ve helped thousands learn technical software.

Now I’m all-in on sharing insights into educational science.