Zotero Obsidian Integration


Zotero Download

Download Zotero onto your devices.

zotero download
Zotero Download

Zotero Connector

Install the connector for your browser.

zotero connector
Zotero connector

Items and attachments

Add an item into Zotero. (more info)

Make sure there is an attachment file (PDF).

Click on the attachment, or double-click the item to open up the Zotero reader.

Zotero library showing an item with a PDF attachment underneeth
Zotero Items and attachment (PDF)

Text highlight

Highlight and right-click or use the setting at the top of the page.

zotero text highlight in toolbar at top of the page
Zotero text highlight

Note highlight

Use the Add note button to click and create a note.

Zotero note highlight

Image highlight

Use the select area button to drag a square around an area for capture.

Zotero image highlight

Install Better BibTex

Go to the installation page for Better BibTex.

Navigate to the latest release.

Better BibTex installation

Better BibTex xpi

Download the xpi file.

BibTex xpi file

Better BibTex addon

Find the Add-ons setting in Zotero.

zotero addons
Zotero Add-ons setting

Drag the xpi file into the Addons manager.

move better bibtex xpi file to the addon window in Zotero
Moving xpi to Add-ons manager

Install Zotero Integration

Open the Obsidian Settings

Click on the Settings icon in the bottom left of the screen.

Example note settings
Open the settings menu

Go to the Community plugins

Click on the Community plugins tab in the left menu.

Push Turn on community plugins.

Community plugins tab

Browse community plugins

Click on the browse button.

browse community plugins
Plugin browse screen

Install Zotero Integration

Push install in the plugin window.

zotero integration install
Install Plugin

Enable Zotero Integration

Push enable in the plugin window.

Zotero Integration enable
Enable plugin

Zotero Integration Settings

PDF Utility

Click and download the PDF utility.

download PDF utility for zotero integration plugin
Download PDF utility

Import folder

Select your desired import folder for the file.

zotero integration import folder location
Import location

Annotation Concatenation

Toggle on concatenation.

zotero integration annotation concatenation
Enable concatenation

Custom Import

Add a custom import.

add a custom import option
Custom import

Use the Zotero {{citekey}} for the file name.

Zotero citekey location in the right info tab
Zotero citekey

Image path

I add a folder for all images called “Images”.

Image output


Create a template file for formatting.

For more information have look at Nunjucks.

create new Zotero template file in left side panel
Zotero template

Add the template in the import settings.

Adding Zotero template

Example Walkthrough


Add a hotkey to the custom import.

zotero import hotkey
Include/Exclude tags in search


After pushing the hotkey, search your Zotero library.

zotero integration search
Zotero search popup

Import Result

A page is created and formatted like the template.

Zotero import result

Template explanation

This template has 3 sections; frontmatter, links, and annotations.

The frontmatter includes the year and authors from Zotero, and a tag.

The link includes the title and links back to the item and the original online link.

The annotation section is a loop that finds all highlights and adds a link.

zotero integration template
Zotero template

Import concatenation

When importing again, highlights and information is updated.

zotero concatination import result
Updated import

Download this template

Get my Zotero template.

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About me...

Yes. That space background is my wallpaper. My first selfie turned out pretty good if I do say so myself.

I’ve been researching how we learn since I was 17, and now at 27 I’ve coached, taught and advised more activities than I thought existed.

Over the last 3 years, I’ve helped thousands learn technical software.

Now I’m all-in on sharing insights into educational science.